Imitation is flattering, but...

Imitation is flattering, but...

Most of us do some of our shopping at a big box store or the online equivalent: Target, Amazon, Wegmans, and the like. 

Have you noticed a trend, though? Amazon Basics, Target's up&up brand, and the Wegmans brand are starting to fill their physical and virtual shelves. These and other enormous retailers can analyze the data and see what is trending, imitate it, and roll it out under their own labels.They can even tell if a particular ingredient is trending and use it in a line. With their supply chain dominance, they can get the ingredients and packaging at lower cost and possibly substitute cheaper ingredients as well. And let's not talk labor costs...

This is, without a doubt, smart business. And there are advantages to us, the customers. We already trust these brands with our business, so if they are, say, making an oat loop cereal, well, it probably tastes like the one we used to buy and is a bit cheaper. They don't even need to spend money on advertising their products, because they're right in front of us on the shelves. We also visit these stores or their websites regularly, so it's easy to toss in one more item.

Long term, though? I'll bet you can see where I'm going with this. If smaller brands' ideas get cannibalized by the big names, imitating our products but selling them for much less. we'll go out of business. After all, we're putting in the time and research to formulate things like our Peppermint and Seaweed footcare line and our innovative haircare bars. Is seaweed the next big thing? Or haircare in bar form? Maybe! 

When you buy directly from Avital's and other small companies, you're getting much more personalized service while supporting innovation, creativity, and an artisan process that makes otherwise mundane necessities into small luxuries that elevate your day. We appreciate every single one of you


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