The Hexagon

A jar of our Fresh Foot Rx Seaweed Soak with greenery and a towel

Trouble Sleeping? Try a Foot Soak

A warm foot soak in the evening can help you sleep better. Fresher feet, better sleep. Nice!

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Your mailbox is hawt!

Your mailbox is hawt!

Summer mailboxes get hot. In spite of our best efforts, sometimes things melt. here's what to do. Oh, and by the way, use the code MAILBOX for free shipping on orders over $25 through Sunday, July 16.

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More on changes coming up

More on changes coming up

Changing names and changing packaging.

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New look for our fizzies and shower steamers

New look for our fizzies and shower steamers

We're freshening up the look of our fizzies and shower steamers. For so, so long now we have foil wrapped them, then put them in a compostable cellophane bag with a label. We're changing things up a bit! We'll still foil wrap them to keep each one fresh and protected, but we'll be switching to a box. The box will provide a bit more protection for them and be easier to stack on store shelves. We'll run through our current stock in cello bags and then you'll start seeing the new boxes! Hope you like the change.   Lesli

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