We refreshed pretty much everything for this holiday season. I'm no artist, I promise, but when I was working with James Pickett to create our new photos, I knew I wanted something different. A lot of soap and cosmetic photography is...boring. A white tub. A nice soap dish. Some flowers. It's all so nice. Nice and dull.
I don't think of Avital's people as dull.
We are scrappy. We work hard. We play hard. We love our animals and our families (not usually in that order, except sometimes!). And we use our energy in the community, volunteering to improve the world around us.
We are doers. Sure, there are down times, days or weeks when we need to refresh and recoup, but I think of us as people who get things done in life, in business, and in our communities.
These are definitely days when things need doing. I live in Ithaca, which is in Tompkins County, New York. We have gotten through COVID with few deaths and generally low cases. Some of this is due to having a young, healthy, vaccinated demographic, thanks to Cornell University and Ithaca College. We have a robust testing system that let us know where we stand. We have a community that has, by-and-large, responded to the challenge of this time with creativity and courage.
We didn't let this stop our lives. We got vaccinated, wore our masks, met with friends outdoors and went for walks. Our kids got back to school, masked and distanced, with lots of outdoor time and ventilation. We put up tents and had outdoor dining.
We kept going. Sometimes imperfectly (hey, it's our first pandemic), but we never threw in the towel.
What does this have to do with the new website and pictures? I'm trying to capture that feeling of who we are. Resilient, active, deep and interesting people who get things done, who keep moving, literally or metaphorically.
The things we use everyday shouldn't be mundane. Every product we choose can elevate our lives: though aesthetics like color and scent and design or through eco-friendliness, or through the business practices of the company that makes it.
Avital's tries to hit all three of these high notes: we absolutely want you to delight in that bar of soap or bath fizzy or body butter. We want it to elevate your day and help you get back to doing all those fabulous things you do. We also want you to know that it was made in an eco-friendly way with earth-friendly packaging in a solar-powered workshop. Just as important, Avital's as a business is making a difference by being an above-living-wage employer, with flex time for shifts, paid sick leave, and more.
How can you put all this into a photo of a bar of soap? Maybe you can't. But James sure tried, and I love the new photos.
Thanks, Deb! I try to keep the emails interesting so they aren’t all about sales and the like. We usually have some interesting things going on here, and I want our fans to be a part of it. —LS
Hi Lesli, I always enjoy reading your words when I have time. I also love your products and vision. I didn’t let FOMO get to me this year and have read very few emails. Yours was one! Merry Christmas!