Tempting to say, "that's it, that's the post." But you know me. I've got words.
Our products are formulated to be good for your skin. That's the priority. Not shelf life (which is about a year for most of what we make), not life in a hot mailbox. We want you to get our soaps, lotions, fizzies, scrubs, and haircare and enjoy them. Getting them to you can be harder, though, in the summer months. And the summer months aren't what they used to be. Triple digits in May in the Northeast is becoming common.
Triple digits are coming up for our region here in the Finger Lakes of New York, even though it's only the end of May. We do our best to insulate packages with sensitive products, like Body Butters and Scrub Bees, but it's not foolproof, especially if your mailbox is in the sun. It might as well be an Easy Bake Oven. Remember those? One little lightbulb and you could bake a cake!
If you're local to any of our wholesale accounts, you can get your Avital's on their shelves. If you're in the Ithaca area, you can drop by our workshop and buy on the spot.
Finally, yes, we'll mail it to you. We'll insulate it. But it might not work. If your body Butter or Scrub Bee or balm comes liquid or soft, pop it in the freezer. It will still be lovely and work as intended, but it might not be 100%. The texture might change, for instance. And we want it to be 100%. Let us know and we'll refund or replace it (weather permitting).